There is a tendency that people living in condos or apartments don’t take advantage of the balcony. Privacy is one of the most significant barriers to a balcony, and it’s entirely understandable.
Then again, you’re not the only one who wants everyone else to be able to view you enjoying a relaxing day on your patio.
However, it doesn’t need to be a barrier to making the most out of the outdoor area. Indeed, making your apartment balcony private can be easier than you imagine!
This article will review various ways to create a private balcony and discuss what pros and cons of each.
Privacy screens
The most obvious choice, to begin with, is to choose privacy screening. Plenty of options for designs and materials and, more importantly, privacy screens are made for this purpose.
We’ve written a lot about the various kinds of privacy screens you can purchase for a balcony, so check out our guide on the best Balcony Security Screens in case you’re seeking specific suggestions.
The only real drawback of privacy screens is that they can block light to favor privacy. They also will cost more than the other options listed below.
Privacy Plants
Using plants is an excellent and natural way to increase privacy on your balcony. This will not only make your space appear more private, it’ll also provide lots of green too.
Plants that provide privacy are a broad category that could comprise things like planters that hang, tall grasses, and plant pots. Suppose you have the patience or patience to wait for genuine plants to establish and flourish. In that case, you can also choose from a vast selection of false privacy-related plants available for purchase.
Adding different plants can bring depth and interest to your garden, adding beauty and usefulness.
A slight disadvantage when you use the real thing is that you’ll need to wait for the plant to reach its full size unless you have grown or synthetic plants.
However, the fast-growing plants will mature within a year or so, meaning you won’t have to wait as long.
Outdoor curtains
Outdoor curtains are perfect for enclosing an apartment balcony because they provide privacy and make the space feel more cozy. Curtains are sure to block the sun’s rays, and this could be or not be beneficial.
Generally speaking, outdoor curtains for balconies are identical to interior curtains, but certain brands make waterproof models to provide more excellent durability outdoors.
You can select opaque curtains for absolute privacy or sheer curtains for those who want a middle ground.
The primary benefit of curtains, in addition to their practicality, ‘s’s that they are an excellent way to add appearance to any outdoor living space. There’s a variety of textures and colors, making choosing the right one will not be a challenge.
Of course, it’s possible to make your curtains as well. If you go down this path, use a weatherproof fabric such as oilcloth, canvas, or treated cotton.
The installation of curtains requires hanging an iron curtain rail. Make sure to check your building regulations to determine whether it is permitted. If not, apply staples or tacks to the wall. While it won’t look quite like it does, it will complete the job.
Fake Ivy
If you are interested in the idea of greenery, but you don’t want to sit and patiently wait for it to develop, fake Ivy is the alternative. It’s an excellent alternative for people trying to figure out how to create a private balcony fast since it’s done in moments.
There are a variety of methods to make use of fake Ivy.
False Ivy with the lattice or Trellis
Like natural Ivy, you’ll need an environment to wrap fake Ivy. Choose an expandable lattice and put it in with counterfeit Ivy. An expandable lattice is an excellent choice because it’s inexpensive and straightforward to install and can be adapted in any dimension. However, if you’re looking for alternative methods to utilize an expandable lattice to create privacy, you should read our article.
If you’re feeling adventurous, you could create your own Trellis from bamboo canes and lumber. There’s a step-by-step guide on how to make this happen. Look it up in case you’re interested in DIY projects.
fake Ivy covering for railings
If you do not have a trellis or support frame, you could hang the individual Ivy braids from the balcony railing (as illustrated above). It’s a simple solution but can be a little more decorative than a total privacy system.
Fake Ivy Curtains
If you have DIY expertise, you could make fake ivy curtains hanging from your balcony’s ceiling. All you have to do is cut them into strips, then attach them to curtain eyelets. This will give you all the advantages of fake Ivy in the form of a flexible choice.
Fake Ivy isn’t the only choice, of course. Myriad varieties of counterfeit vines are available, and some of them appear to be extremely real. However, they appear slightly battered over time based on the conditions.
Roll-up outdoor shades
Another option for enclosing balconies in apartments is to opt for rolling shades. They are blinds not constructed from cloth, so they suit any weather conditions.
Typically they are constructed out of bamboo canes made of thin material that provide plenty of privacy but allow some light to pass through.
Similar to curtains, the primary advantage of using shades is that they allow you to remove them without needing more privacy. They’re an excellent option for adding a touch of elegance to your balcony’s décor, based on your preferred style.
Outdoor screen enclosure
A screen enclosure for outdoor use nets is usually composed of mesh. It’s somewhat distinct from privacy screens. The name suggests it’s designed to surround an area rather than act as a screen. This usually means it has sides, possibly even a roof, rather than a single wall.
The screen is excellent for blocking out insects and protecting you from the elements while providing some privacy.
It is common to find screen enclosures for outdoor use that are designed to fit spaces such as patios. However converting one into a balcony or creating your own is not difficult.
Most outdoor screen enclosures are made of metal with a mesh screen stretched over it. This makes them an excellent option for covering apartment balconies since you can transform the space into an outdoor living area.
For installation, you’ll have to fix the frame to the structure you have already put in place. Begin by putting screws into the balcony and installing track channels on top of these.
After you’ve put the track channels, You’ll have to make the screen down to the appropriate size. There’s a minor groove on the frame, which you insert the screen into.
You’ll need a screen spline. It’s thin rubber stripping that sits inside the groove to the screen. This is what holds it in its place.
In all, it should only take you just a couple of hours.